Friday, June 13, 2008


I met with a small accident yesterday while coming to work in the morning. It was peak hour traffic. And as usual, there was chaos on the road. I was 50 feet from a intersection which was deadlocked. Some how a goods carrier managed to avoid the deadlock and started to move towards me in the opposite direction. Both of us (me and the goods carrier), where on the wrong sides of the road. We were in a American style of driving. He passed me on my left, and I was watching him all the way through. But suddenly he decided to take a sharp left turn. His carriage part started to scrape my left back door. By the time I realized it and got out of my vehicle he was long gone. The damage to my vehicle was pretty bad. Although there was no dents, the door was pretty badly scratched, and my door handle was broken. I was very disappointed all the way through to the office(which further took 30 mins). But once in the office, I started to think over of what had happened, and realized that it wasn't the goods carrier drivers mistake either. It was just plain bad luck coupled with the congested streets of Bangalore. With the hike in the fuel prices, and worst traffic management system in any metro of the world, working from home would always be a better option. Another problem for the new government to tackle. I'll have to shell out a considerable amount to get my car back to shape. Pretty disappointing day. :-(

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