Sunday, December 14, 2008

The tache is gone

I don't know what prompted me into doing this. I shaved my mustache today. This is the first time I'm removing it in my life. I was shocked to see myself in the mirror. I never really thought a small strip of hair above the upper lip could define my image so much. For a second, I felt I was seeing another person in the mirror. Needless to say, I have become a laughing stock at home. :(

But at some level I'm happy I managed to do it. It was like breaking the norm. Getting out of shackles. Probably the boredom of the last week pushed me over the cliff. But seeing the end result, I will probably grow it back. Nothing like a mustache on a man's face :)

So anyone seeing me till I grow it back, please don't act too surprised :)


Sri!!! said...

What was the factor that forced you to shave your mousch?? Is it that you wanted to see how you would look without the mousch?? Or is it accidentially you shaved half of it, so you thought you would as well shave the other half as well?? Or was it a request from some one special??

Anyways take a pic and save it. If possible post it.


Anirudh B Aithal said...

As I have already told you, I can't make out much of a difference newy :)

I am Madhu said...

@sri : none of the options :). It was just for the kicks... And as I have mentioned, I was so bored, almost depressed, which probably made me to remove it

@ani : thanks ani. but ur comments were not reflected by the majority. if everyone gets used to it, ill probably think on keeping it shaved :)

Balakrishna said...

Don't grow it back till about 6 months :) Then decide if u want it back :) you will be surprised at what your mind tells u

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