Monday, December 22, 2008

Bike Ads in India

This has been kind of a trend in India now, for in the past 3 years, all kinds of ridiculous ads have been screened on TV. And not so surprisingly the major contribution is from the Bike makers. These ads so fake, even computer games are more real.

Let me give you the example of Hero Honda CBZ Extreme ad. These people apparently have no intentions in showcasing their product (a good reason could be that they have no likable features in that :-P). This 'dude' jumps from a building, smoothly lands on the bike, winks at a promotional chick, and in the next scene is in 'paradise'. Then apparently for no reason starts to do a wheely, and then skate boards behind the bike. So stupid. They even show sparks coming of his boots (this I think is inspired by Rajini movies). Then they show a land slide in 'paradise', and instead of showcasing a part called 'BRAKES', they show him performing a stopee, with the back tire grazing a boulder. Then comes the worst of all the stunts. A 180 degree turn around and a back flip, all the time when the rider is crossing a gorge. Seriously nothing can get more stupider(if that is a real word :-P) than this. Not even Rakhi Sawanth can beat it. I can't figure out what they are selling to the viewers. Is it some kind of death machine? None of the situations shown are remotely plausible. And on top of it all, there is a cautionary message flashing at the bottom of the screen. ****These stunts are performed by professionals. Please do not try it at home*** .WTF! Who the hell in his right mind will even think of trying it. Even if he does, can he pull of a stunt like a Skate Boarding on a 14BHP bike? I was thinking if we could sue these companies for providing wrong information to the customers about their product!

Not lagging behind are the makers of the popular bike Pulsar. Again serious crap. I feel these ad makers are confused lot. They want to showcase all these impossible stunts, all the while ignoring the features of the product (only thing we get out of these ads is the looks of the bike), and they don't want the viewers to repeat these stunts. So they are basically wasting lakhs of rupees to promote nothing! Heights of craziness.


Sathish said...

I guess they have a competition on whose is more stupider :D

Balakrishna said...

There is one though , which I really liked. The conversation about a fat guy and the hero of the AD in a signal. Now that's good ! The best part is that the same logic is used , with the same characters but roles interchanged in a Sun Direct satellite TV AD. Thats pretty cool too :-)

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