Friday, January 1, 2010

A fresh start

Ah... I have heard that before and lived it before... a fresh start is what I associate a new year with. It does not carry a huge significance in my life, as it is yet another day for me. But I don't live outside the society, so I play along. People associate the new year day with looking back at the year gone by, making resolutions for the year ahead and I have done that too. But I have come to realize this is what we should be doing every single day of the year and only time to live in the present day is on the day when you change calenders. Last year I did this, this year I'll do that... blah blah blah... I don't get it as to why people get so sentimental around this particular day. Live in the moment guys. Enjaaay it!
Anyways as I play along on such "holidays", Wishing everyone a happy and prosperous new year!

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