Monday, March 16, 2009

My First Final Call - Lots of Dilemma

I got my first admission call from NMIMS on 14th. Considering the fact that I am not listed in the Merit list of SCMHRD, I guess this is my only call for the season. I have been thinking a lot for the past 3 days on whether to join NM or not. Sadly I am in a big dilemma. It has been 50-50 all the way. The pros and cons are equally matched. Every time I come up with a thought , supporting me joining NM, there will be an immediate thought giving me reason not to join NM.

As of now there are only 2 options in front of me. Either join NM and be content with it, or take another shot at CAT next year and attempt for a better college. Both have considerable amounts of risk attached with it.
If I choose the former, I'll be putting on line 2 years of my life (for the better or worse) on the line. Also at stake is my Final degree. So further on, everyone will recognize me as a Alumni of NM (not that it is a bad proposition, but for some unfortunate reason, the college reputation might go down, and with it prospective placements). Although NM has its share of drawbacks, it is also one of the most popular colleges in the country, with amazing faculty and industry interactions.
If I choose the latter, I'll be facing the toughest exam in my life AGAIN. I'll have to go through the same hell for 6 months, where my personal life will be practically absent. All this won't ensure my success in CAT. But I'll have another chance at studying in the top colleges in the country aka IIM's. But is it worth it waiting 1 more year, risking not cracking the CAT again? Questions for which I'll have to find answers sooner or later.

But what ever my decision is, I'm pretty confident that once I make the decision, I'll go all out, forget all the negatives, and give my best shot.


Balakrishna said...

Your last statement is the best in this post :)

Thats what matters ultimately !

It is really important for you to do that too.

My best wishes are always with you :)

I am Madhu said...

thanks man...

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