Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Two years ago on Feb 14th......

Ok... For people who haven't met me personally, might be wondering, what the hell did this guy do two years ago on the "Day of Love" that is worth remembering! For those who are in constant touch with me will already be feeling betrayed that I haven't mentioned this story to them before. Well no need to use your wild imaginations. I am still waiting for my first date on the "Day of Love".

It is just a co-incidence that on Feb 14th, I fell in 'love' with something else. It was my first day of internship in IBM ISL. It has already been an amazing journey, with lots of ups and downs (more ups I guess). I have met lot of interesting people, made friends for life and interacted with intellectuals who strive for innovation. I have seen people who think work is their life and other who think work itself is not part of their life ;-) One thing with working in a big company is that you will definitely get a good mix of different 'characters'. I was among the privileged few to be blessed with a excellent small team. There are lot of people who have made this a memorable journey for me. If it takes two years to get this experience, then I would say, I have made a bargain with life. The time spent in IBM has been a huge learning curve. At some level, it has also made me realize my long term career goals.

In pursuit of these goals, I was heading to Pune exactly two years later. Is it co-incidence that my first interview for higher studies was on the same day I started my internship? Will SCMHRD prove to be my 'second love'? Only time will tell :-D

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