Friday, March 27, 2009

Officially a student again

Yes. Finally. After nearly 2 years of working, I'm back to savour the fruits of being a student again. Yesterday I went to NMIMS and paid the 1st year fees. It is an amazing feeling now. A sense of freedom. Along with this amazing feeling, I have a sense of fear, fear of the unknown. I know I'll be leaving great things behind. My parents, my friends, my job among many other things. I have always been a slow starter in regards to making friends. My current set of friends can definitely vouch for that. It takes me long time to get close with anyone, but once I cross that barrier, there is no stopping me. I still stay in touch with my earliest friends, way back from my primary school. Making new friends will be a challenge, but a tougher proposition will be to leave behind all the great friends I have here, albeit for a short duration. All said, I have nice vibes about my next two years in NM. So fingers crossed for now :-)


Sri!!! said...

All the best!!

Do keep in touch amidst your "busy" schedules.


Balakrishna said...

He will , he will :-) I rate him far better than ravi in this aspect. Now that I said that , there is a lot of responsibility on your shoulders :-)

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